Mammal Watching in Speyside (5/9)


Here are some of my photographs taken on a mammal and bird watching holiday in Scotland near Aviemore with Speyside Wildlife during August 2006.





Here I am togged up for the adventure. These glasses may have looked a bit strange but were good for avoiding sea spray. In the distant background you can see a wind turbine ready to be towed out to sea.








We saw lots of bottlenose dolphins, around 15 to 20 of them. Place the mouse cursor on the picture to see one being more acrobatic.







At this point in the boat trip we were much closer to the wind turbine and could appreciate its size. It is rated at 5 megawatts, and was scheduled to be installed near the Beatrice oil field in the outer Moray Firth.







On the Thursday we travelled to the West Coast. We stopped at this place for refreshment and thought it look so pretty that we took a picture. Place the mouse on the picture to see the area without us in the way.







It all looks very beautiful, this wilderness, but it's the result of the Clearances where thousands of crofters were expelled by 18th and 19th century lairds to make way for sheep. Place the mouse on the picture for another view.



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